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IRIS QT is a device used to measure the IRIS-XP Fever Screening System has been specifically designed for COVID-19, flu, virus and infection screening, used for large-scale temperature monitoring in crowded public places or high traffic areas, to detect any individuals with a fever immediately.

This non-invasive system can be set up at the entrance
of a public venue or a workplace to screen those entering for fever.
It will immediately display a warning, along with the captured image, of any individual with a temperature above your established threshold.

- Able to detect the mass group simultaneously up to 250 people
- Able to detect the temperature even with the mask, glasses or a hat using AI algorithm
- Accurate measurement in accordance with the environment temperature based on AI algorithm
- Mobile alert function system using QR code
- Real-time video recording for additional tracing
- Adjustable Alarm / Display temperature considering different environment
- 22 types of color pattern